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Dátum publikovania: 29.04.2024

Plánovač výroby _Production planner

Plný Úväzok
Dátum nástupu:
Platové podmienky:
1800.0 EUR
Informácie o pracovnej ponuke
-Responsible for process of production planning in the plant. -Integrate sales, operations and supplier planning in order to meet the customer demand and effectively use the resources. -Demand planning. -Long /mid/ short term production planning. -Capacity (labor, equipment, facilities, material, finance) planning to establish a viable production plan. -Production scheduling. -Material planning based on the production plan. -Inventory management. -Analyze project information and lead effective change management approve the initiated engineering changes in the ERP system.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
-English – at least B2 level -Several years of work experience in logistics and logistics process planning. – SAP (in the SAP logistics modules MM and PP). -MS Excel. -Knowledge of modern working and management systems in the automobile industry is desirable (Lean Logistics, MTM, Value Stream Mapping, Six Sigma, Kaizen, etc.).
Benefity práce
Bonus: 13th salary, yearly bonus, travel contribution. final offer depends on seniority level, skills and experiences.
Jazykové požiadavky
anglicky – B2,slovensky – B2

Táto pozícia už bola obsadená. Pozrite si prosím naše ďalšie aktuálne ponuky práce a nájdite svoju príležitosť.

Zobraziť pracovné ponuky

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