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Dátum publikovania: 03.06.2024

Equipment engineer

Plný Úväzok
Dátum nástupu:
2 week's notice period
Platové podmienky:
1400.0 EUR
Informácie o pracovnej ponuke
• prepare technical specifications for gadgets, machineries and equipment which are used in manufacturing (SMT lines and assembly lines) • guarantee punctuality of production and respect of budget allocated for realization of gadgets, machineries and equipment • ensure required production capacity, the functionality of gadgets, machineries and equipment in accordance with the specifications / technical requirements of the client • ensure the implementation and respect of STN and technical specifications of MM gadgets, machineries and equipment • identify improvements of gadgets, machineries and equipment • define preventive and predictive maintenance in accordance with maintenance • ability to identify opportunities for improvement of existing gadgets, machineries and equipment • implement the gained experience from existing projects in design and realization of new machineries • planning, assessment and implementation of manufacturing processes of products according to customer requirements/targets and internal procedures for new product launch or modification. • cooperation with R&D team and with European Industrial Team to define manufacturability rules and constraints. • proposes optimizations, optimizes and coordinates optimization of PLC programs
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
– PLC skúsenosti, vzdelanie technického smeru ( elektrotechnika, strojárstvo )
Jazykové požiadavky
anglicky – B2

Táto pozícia už bola obsadená. Pozrite si prosím naše ďalšie aktuálne ponuky práce a nájdite svoju príležitosť.

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