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Dátum publikovania: 25.10.2024

Do you enjoy talking English? Become a Customer Service Specialist for the company located in Brno

Plný Úväzok
Dátum nástupu:
Platové podmienky:
43500.0 - 50500.0 CZK
Informácie o pracovnej ponuke
Do you consider yourself a communicative person who can fix the issues as they arise? Are you technically skilled? Would you like to start your work in the afternoon? Become a Customer Care Representative in Shared Service Center in Brno. The first 6months its neccessary to be on branch, later is possible working as hybrid type of work - will depend on your performance, self-sufficiency. Your daily tasks include: - helping clients with their requests - assist and advise how to fix the problems using your product knowledge - all day communication in English (call support) - building and maintaining positive client relationships - working on shifts with fantastic surcharges!
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
– Fluent English is a must – Good communication skills – Flexibility (changing shifts) – Stress resistance working hours are from 12.00AM – 6.AM /8,5 -9 hours shift rotation/
Benefity práce
– contract for an indefinite period – interesting reward system based on performance – financial bonuses for working on late shifts – life insurance – career development
Jazykové požiadavky
anglicky – B2

Táto pozícia už bola obsadená. Pozrite si prosím naše ďalšie aktuálne ponuky práce a nájdite svoju príležitosť.

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