We have been informed that the Talent Solutions name and trademark is used in some countries by persons who are in no way affiliated with the Talent Solutions Group. These persons place job advertisements on general advertising websites using the Talent Solutions brand without our permission. We also have reason to believe that the emails, letters, phone calls and other actions of these persons are merely illegal attempts to obtain money and access to personal and confidential information of job applicants.
Before you give out any personal information, social security number or bank account details in your job search, make sure your contact person is an authorized Talent Solutions representative. You can confirm this by contacting the Talent Solutions office in your country. Click here.
Be wary of unexpected emails, instant messaging, voicemails or faxes claiming to be from Talent Solutions. If you receive such a message, contact the Talent Solutions office in your country to verify that the message is legitimate.
If you believe that you have been the victim of such scams, we strongly encourage you to report the incident to your local authorities.
To report misuse of the Talent Solutions name and trademark, please contact the Talent Solutions office in the country where the incident occurred. If Talent Solutions does not operate in that country, please notify compliance@Talent Solutions.com or www.aceconduct.com
If you are looking for employment in your country, please contact Talent Solutions through your local Talent Solutions website.
If you are looking for an international job opportunity, there are opportunities available in various countries on the Talent Solutions Work Abroad platform.